• Do you want to understand how to create an organisational environment that encourages creative individuals and teams ?

    Creativity is increasingly an organisational driver. Many organisations call on employees at all levels to be creative and innovative, to improve processes, develop new products and services, and to find better ways of working. However, there is frequently a mismatch between what the organisation communicates in strategy and what actually happens on the ground.
    This workshop explores how managers can enable and support creativity within their organisation. It addresses key issues for organisations including providing appropriate organisational processes and structures and how to develop a culture that enables creativity.

    Topics include:

    • Barriers, enablers and establishing conditions for creativity
    • Constraints on decision making and creativity
    • Risk, failure and psychological safety
    • Motivating individuals to be creative
    • Building creative teams
    • Leadership and a vision for creativity
    • “Selling” ideas upwards

      This workshop is part of the creativity series:

      It is complemented by other workshops focusing on leadership in entrepreneurship and innovation: